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Contact Person:


501(c)(3) organization which is sponsoring this application:

Please check one:


Address (include mailing address):

City:State: OR    Zip:


Daytime telephone:




Title of proposed project:





Geographic area to be served:

Population to be served:


  1. Summary of proposed project: 100 words maximum

    100 words remaining
  2. How does your project fit with MCCT’s action plan and which priority (s) does your project satisfy? 300 words maximum.

    (See Action Plan for priorities or call for a copy to be mailed to you. 541-889- 1996.)

    300 words remaining
  3. Organization’s background or individual’s resume: 100 words maximum

    100 words remaining
  4. Mission statement or intention: 100 words maximum

    100 words remaining
  5. In what ways will you acknowledge MCCT’s funding assistance with your project? 100 words maximum

    100 words remaining
  6. Dollars Requested $

  7. What other sources of funding are committed or anticipated for this project?

  8. What benchmarks will you use to measure the successful outcome of this grant?

    Both Qualitative and Quantitative. See Action Plan


    Strategies Activities Measurement Benchmark

    Create a larger, more diverse audience for cultural activities Marketing
    • Develop Community information sharing hub between disciplines
    • Coordinate marketing
    • Develop marketing fund resources
    • Explore new marketing techniques
    • Update/reprint current marketing material
    • Explore a “virtual co-op”
    Track attendance figures at local events
    Track increases in sales by artisans
    Develop a youth audience
    • Subsidize attendance fees
    • Develop after school experiences
    • Initiate Artist in Residence/Historian/Author programs
    • Develop a local history curriculum
    • Staff development to integrate cultural areas
    • Summer camps for youth
    Track attendance
    Track the numbers of programs developed and the attendance at each

    Develop experiences for mature audiences and families
    • Specialty “camps” for adults and families
    • Elderhostel
    • Adult education (credit and non-credit) through TVCC and EOSU
    • Brown Bag” classes/workshops
    • Encourage formation of “study groups”
    Track the numbers of programs developed and the attendance at each
    Develop entrepreneurial opportunities
    • Develop an art coop or folk art center, using the Baker City model
    • Scholarships to train crafts persons (saddle makers, silversmiths, etc.) to keep the craft alive
    • Hold juried arts/crafts shows
    • Encourage cooperative participation by different disciplines and organizations.
    Track the numbers of new programs developed and the attendance at each


    Strategies Activities Measurement Benchmark

    Preserve the heritage sites in Malheur County.
    • Identity/inventory and prioritize sites and determine development or maintenance needs such as signs, upkeep/repairs, brochures
    • Identify funding and labor resources
    • Undertake the maintenance and development projects
    • Assist through grant writing workshops, bring state and federal historical registration people to the area.
    • Encourage the forming of historical districts.
    Track the number of sites needing and receiving preservation assistance.
    Continue and enhance the current and on-going historical site development.
    • Examples
    • Cemetery project
    • Trails and mapping projects
    Complete the cemetery project Complete the mapping project

    Maintain and enhance the current arts (visual –performing) and humanities programs.
    • Programs/projects to allow K-12 and CC programs to continue.
    • Programs/projects for non-profits.
    • Assist current festivals to continue and expand.
    • Provide opportunities for entrepreneurs.
    Track the attendance at current festivals Track the state and local funding levels of programs in the local school districts and TVCC
    Track entrepreneurial opportunities and success


    Strategies Activities Measurement Benchmark

    Open the doors between disciplines
    • Prepare inventory
    • Maintain this inventory
    • Meet together occasionally
    • Include Spanish on web site
    Track frequency of inventory maintenance
    Track frequency of meetings
    Share schedules and activity information with each other and the public
    • Develop and maintain community-wide information hub
    • Web site
    • Brochures
    • Media
    Track “hits” to the web site
    Track brochures location and distribution information

    Develop cultural tourism opportunities
    • Work with chambers and others to develop and market products
    Track number of opportunities developed Track partnerships


    Strategies Activities Measurement Benchmark

    Expand resources – fiscal and human- by developing funding sources/resources
    • Share grant opportunity information
    • Sponsor a community grant writing workshop
    • Consider a joint grant writer
    • Take advantage of the county inmate work crews for certain construction and maintenance tasks
    • Develop a volunteer base
    • Collaborate on fund raising activities
    Track success of grant preparation efforts
    Track projects using inmate labor
    Follow equitable re-grant policies
    • Assure that local grants address the directives of the plan
    • Encourage leveraging with matching and challenge grants
    Annually evaluate the distribution and effectiveness (as measured by the benchmark set by the applicant)
  9. If we are unable to fulfill the total amount of your request, would you be able to complete the project? Explain 100 words maximum

    100 words remaining
$ Estimated Final Report Actual $
Contractor/Consultant $ $
Staff Time $ $
Materials & Support $ $
Volunteer Time $ $
Design, Printing, etc. $ $
Travel $ $
Other – Permits etc. $ $
TOTAL $0 $0
$ Estimated Final Report Actual $
Contractor/Consultant $ $
Staff Time $ $
Materials & Support $ $
Volunteer Time $ $
Design, Printing, etc. $ $
Travel $ $
Other – Permits etc. $ $
TOTAL $0 $0

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