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1. Application can be downloaded from the website.

2. Submit an original application and 2 copies, postmarked by April 4, 2024.

3. Mail your completed application to: Malheur Cultural Trust, 907 SW 4th Street, Ontario, OR 97914.

4. Completed application must be 12-point font and double spaced.

5. Funding for the Malheur Cultural Trust Grants is derived from donations to the Oregon Cultural Trust fund. Grants available each year vary but can be estimated between $9,000 and $10,000 will be available for Cultural Projects each year.

6. The applicants must be a resident of Malheur County or maintain a registered headquarters in Malheur County.

7. The proposal will result in a demonstrable benefit to the residents or visitors of Malheur County.

8. Individuals and for-profit organizations must apply with support of an established 501c3 organization in Malheur County.

9. All proposal must demonstrate applicant support by match, either cash or in-kind. Priority points will be awarded to projects with 50% of the project cost provided in cash by the applicant. This cash match can be from any source, including other grant funds. In-kind match will be limited to 25% of the total cost of the project.

10. The proposal must fulfill one or more of the four goals (directives) stated in the Malheur Cultural Action Plan.

11. Grants will be selected and awarded by the Trust Awards Committee April 15, 2024.

12. A progress report will be required by awardees at the end of the calendar year or at the end of the project, which ever comes first. If the project is not completed by year end, a final report will be required at the end of the project. NOTE: Report will include benchmarks for both Qualitative and Quantitative will be identified for the grant project progress, as well as the impact on Malheur County.

 Benchmarks: Outcomes that can be achieved over a 5-year period:

Quantitative Benchmarks

  • Each project application is to establish a baseline number from which to measure quantitative increases. For example, what has been the average attendance at the event? The project success will then be measured by an increase in this number. This increase can be expressed in a number or as a percentage increase.

Qualitative Benchmarks

  • These benchmarks measure the quality of the program through stories and other personal narratives and anecdotes.

Failure to complete this step will eliminate the awardee from any future grant funds.

13. As a general rule, grants will not be made directly to a commercial enterprise. An exception might be strategies for marketing commercial enterprises that are part of a larger cultural tourism proposal aimed at stimulating the economic vitality.

14. Oral presentations may be requested by the Award Committee.

15. All awards will include a contract or agreement stipulating the conditions of the award, the term to complete the project, required documentation and reporting included a final form for request of payment.